The voice of corporate social responsibility and civic leadership in Massachusetts.

Our Services

  • Education & Insight

    We have a deep understanding of how government and businesses can work together to create growth, opportunity, and a more equitable society. We keep our members informed on the latest policies on housing, transportation, and climate technology, and help them better understand the impact they can have to effect change.

  • Public Policy & Thought Leadership

    We work with policy makers and coalition partners on initiatives and public policy solutions to address some of the biggest challenges facing Massachusetts. We offer our members a variety of opportunities to expand their thought leadership opportunities through engaging in earned media, serving on policy councils, being appointed to state commissions, and more.

  • Networking Opportunities

    We bring together like-minded peers in the business community who are committed to corporate social responsibility and civic leadership, and provide meaningful opportunities to connect with legislators, researchers, and policy experts.

Social responsibility + economic growth

= a thriving Commonwealth.

The Alliance for Business Leadership (ABL) is a coalition of business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals at all levels who believe that social responsibility and economic growth go hand-in-hand.

We hosted the Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, Kim Driscoll to speak to our membership. The event, moderated by Sandy Lish of The Castle Group, focused on improving housing, education, clean energy, and workforce development in our state. Pictured above is ABL board members Lindsey Butler, Bob Chen, Andrea Silbert, Sandy Lish, and James Boyle with Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll.


Recently, we invited Emily Reichert, CEO of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center speak to our membership today about the rapidly evolving clean technology ecosystem in Massachusetts for its role in accelerating the transition to a clean energy future. Pictured above, Keith Chaney, Sandy Lish, Bob Chen, JC Burton, Andrea Silbert, and Jim Boyle. 

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To build strong businesses we have to build strong communities.